- #Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo full
- #Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo plus
- #Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo series
Jane Mary Betty Pamela Ann Peggy von Jones. Apparently this habit carries over even to the ones who've sworn off Uberwaldean naming conventions, as the VP of the Temperance League's Ankh-Morpork mission (according to the relevant Discworld Diary) is named Ms.It's mentioned in another book that vampires in general tend to acquire very long names "as a means of passing the time." The vampire in Monstrous Regiment has to turn over the page while writing down his name to join the army ("but you can just call me Maledict"). Like other Discworld vampires, Margolotta von Überwald has four pages in the Almanack de Gothic (which parodies the Almanac de Gotha in the same way that Twurp's Peerage parodies Burke's Peerage). There are several examples from Terry Pratchett's Discworld:.
#Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo full
Herald Of The Storm has Massoum, whose full name is "“Massoum Am Kalhed Las Fahir Am Jadar Abbasi”.He tells the others to always request for his true-name, but by the end of the story forgets, because Status Quo Is God. In Enid Blyton's The Faraway Tree, Old Wathisname goes to a fortune-teller to ask her to learn the secret of his True Name (Koolamoolitoomarellipowkairollo, or at least, that's how it's pronounced).Gnomes in the Dragonlance universe have names nearly as long, because, even though they don't live as long as Ents, their names include a description and biography of themselves and every one of their ancestors in recorded history.At the time of The Lord of the Rings, Treebeard is the oldest mortal living thing in Middle-earth, and the rest of the Ents aren't too much younger. This gives some understanding of why Ent-moots take so long.
#Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo plus
So Treebeard's real name would be a description plus biography of his life up to that point in time. However he did offer "a-lalla-lalla-rumba-kamanda-lind-or-burúmë" as a "probably very inaccurate" attempt by the Hobbits to represent a fragment of Entish. Tolkien was a linguist when he wrote that something couldn't be transcribed, he would have had a pretty good idea of how bizarre a language would have to be for that to be the case. Worse yet, due to the phonetics of Ent language (which has a lot of humming), they can't even be transcribed. Entish names are more or less a complete description and history of the individual thing being discussed. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the tree-like Ents have a language that to us 'hasty folk' is incredibly long-winded. Not as long as some of the other examples on this list, but stands out in a world where most people only have a name like Agnes or Mary or Alf or Will.
#Nikki nikki tembo no so rembo series
March Upcountry series by John Ringo and David Weber: Prince Roger Ramius Sergei Alexander Chiang MacClintock.It was written when many Real Life rulers had even longer names. Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue, the Emperor of Lilliput in Gulliver's Travels.The name is long enough for the chorus of the Dschinghis Khan song "Hadschi Halef Omar" to consist of little more. If you can't pass the "Hadschi Halef test" you're not a true Karl May fan.

He is normally just called Hadschi (Hajji) Halef Omar, but reciting his full name is a shibboleth among readers.